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Introducing 89thiMedia Leading Mind! Stanford Professor and one of the most popular Silicon Valley gurus, Dr Huggy Rao, for a summit for the first time in India!
Go beyond building customer-focused organizations!
In this summit, Dr Huggy Rao tackles a challenge that confronts every leader and organization: spreading constructive beliefs and behavior from the few to the many. He and his colleague Prof Sutton, call this the Problem of More!
Huggy and his acclaimed Stanford colleague Bob Sutton have spent more than 7 years to uncover what it takes to build and identify pockets of exemplary performance, to spread them to others, and to keep recharging organizations with ever-better mindsets, skills, and practices. Drawing on ground -breaking research, inside accounts, and case studies from a wealth of industries - including start-ups, pharmaceuticals, airlines, retail, financial services, high tech, education, nonprofits, government, and health care-Rao will reveal the keys to scaling challenges that confront every organization.
The summit will address the following key lessons of scaling up and educate you in driving growth qualitatively and quantitatively:
Identify key differences between scaling well and scaling badly
Scaling entails more than the Problem of More.
People who are adept at scaling excellence talk and act as if they are knee-deep in a manageable mess.
Scaling up on a culture of Innovation
Scaling up a chain of low-cost and standardized elementary schools
Stacking up Talent isn’t enough:
Scaling starts and ends with individual
For more details on exciting early bird rates, group discounts, VIP Tables and for registering, contact :
Call 080 22997117, 22231550 Email imedia@vsnl.com